Have you ever wondered and just question yourself, “Why do people love travelling so much?” Is it because of the people? The food? The city? Or do you just want a break from being in your everyday life? Many people love traveling to places like Europe because people can have new experiences in both modern and traditional sceneries. During the winter break, Ms Graham, a teacher in the 5th grade, went on a journey across Europe visiting three fascinating countries: Czechia, Romania, and Austria. She was traveling with a friend of hers exploring the traditional cuisines, tourist sites, and also experiencing the history of the places.
One of her highlights include visit to the Bran Castle in Romania, which is famously known as “Dracula’s Castle” because of a reported connection to Bram Stoker’s story Dracula. The gothic theme and structure of the castle is said to have been an inspiration for the iconic novel, although it has been said that Stoker never visited the castle. The beauty and ethereal feeling of being there had led Ms Graham to be motivated to read the novel. Furthermore, the traditional picturesque town in Czechia preserves the history of gothic and its renaissance aesthetic. While she was at her trip, she encountered two bears in a moat – in which the bears were kept in the castles of aristocrats serving as a symbol of power and prestige.
While her stay in Europe, she experienced the traditional delicacies of different dishes from
different countries. This served as an aspect of Ms Graham’s adventures. While she was in Prague, the capital of Czechia, she tried savory dishes like goulash and svíčková, a rich beef dish of dumplings with a cream sauce. In Vienna, she tasted its well known sausages and schweinebraten, a succulent roasted pork dish. Each meal she tried, it offered a in depth perspective to its local culture and traditions.
Ms Graham travel highlights the educational nature and the adventure of visiting new places, and even experiencing the traditional architecture. She says “Traveling is important to me because it provides an opportunity to learn and grow. Each new experience increases my cultural awareness and fills me with creative inspiration. This trip was no exception—it was as enriching and educational as it was enjoyable. ”