Transferring from the International School of Sacred Heart, music director Mr.Takami has come to St. Mary’s to direct the HS bell choir and MS choir. He is Japanese and is from the Hyogo prefecture, which is known for its ancient and magnificent castle sites. Unlike many who attend a single university. Mr. Takami surprisingly attended three universities: International Christian University to study philosophy, Kansas University to assist in music, and Illinois University to perfect as a musician vocally.
As a long-term musician, Mr. Takami knows teaching styles that work well to keep students organized while having fun. Particularly in the bell choir, he tries to let students find parts they find exciting and fun, then points out how to improve on specific skill sets (crescendo, let vibrate, shakes, etc). When fixing it, they can potentially find how truly fascinating music is once one understands it. He says, “Bell choir doesn’t just offer students the opportunity to play unique types of music, but teaches students morals such as teamwork and collaboration.” With the skill sets students learn from his class, they will be guaranteed to succeed in other fields of study.
Before becoming a successful musician, Mr. Takami faced his biggest enemy, himself. He was a timid high school student until college, where he met long-term friends who encouraged him to excel in music, eventually joining the choir at his university. He was very strict with himself; even if his music instructor pointed out skills he did well, he recalls doubting his talents, like taking a growing sprout out of the ground. It wasn’t until he learned to build progress he started growing exponentially.
Aside from music, Mr. Takami enjoys jogging and cooking, where he has time to reflect on himself. For him to be here today, he wants to thank significantly his parents, who encouraged and supported him well, and his music instructor, who had faith in him to succeed.